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O jaaa! De dames van de RuPaul's Dragrace waren in Nederland! Wij gingen langs bij de RuPaul's Drag Race: Werq The World 2018 op donderdag 24 mei in Villa Thalia Rotterdam. We keken onze ogen uit. De meest prachtige drags uit de bekende talentenrace van RuPaul kwamen voorbij.

Wij spraken met enkele modieuze queens over hun ervaringen met de show, mode en Nederland. Zo ook met de lieve en prachtige Valentina:

Is this your first time traveling to the Netherlands?

" No, but I am more then excited to be back !"


What inspires your drag?

" All my drag is very Latina inspired, a big inspiration is my mother and singer Selena."

Interview RuPaul's Valentina

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How long have you been doing drag?

" It will be about 2 years since bringing Valentina to life!"


Who is your style icon?

" My mother being first, then I would have to Selena. But all my drag is very Latina inspired!"


How has your drag grown since RPDR?

" I have learned a lot, going into Drag Race I was only doing drag for about 6 months. Being able to learn from the greats like my tia Bianca or from visiting different countries whilst touring."


Which fashion show would you like to open?

"All of them! I love Prada, Moschino, Chanel, etc."


Do you clean your house in drag?

" Am I getting paid to clean my house in drag?"


What is the most memorable thing from touring so far?

" A fan made my very own doll of me which I love and cherish!"


Which country embraces drag most?

"It’s hard to say! The world of drag has grown so big!"


Do you want to visit special places while you are in the Netherlands?

"The best bake shop there is!"


Why should everyone do drag at least once?

"Drag is an extension of ones self I feel everyone should explore."


What should we expect from you in 5 years?

" Stop trying to age me!"

hague magazine, den haag, the hague, fashion, mode, travel, art, magazine, netherlands, dutch design, reizen, rupaul's dragrace, valentina, interview

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 Allangelo Publishers by Dutch Fashion Embassy

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